How to Burn Fat Healthily?

No YoYo Effect, No Struggle, No Added Guilts

Morteza Ariana

6/2/20232 min read

Losing weight means burning fat. When do you burn fat? When the sugar has been depleted.

Now let’s dive a little bit deeper into it.

There are two compartments of energy in our body for the time we are not eating.

  1. Glycogen (sugar storage), which has a limited capacity, but is readily and easily available.

  2. Adipose tissue (fat storage), which is abundant, although not quickly accessible.

When we are not eating, the liver goes first for the glycogen and empties it. Thereafter, it starts tapping into the fat cells. The key point is: if the glycogen is full, the liver sees no necessity to burn fat. It goes for readily available glucose (sugar). On the contrary, when the glycogen is empty, the liver has no choice but to get into fat reserves. When sugar is available, the fat remains unused. This is why you want the body to run out of sugar, and thus have no choice but to burn fat. If you snack every couple of hours, you are refilling the glycogen over and over again. Hence, you make it impossible for the liver to use up the fat stores as a source of energy.

Therefore, the secret to losing weight effectively and permanently is this: Don’t eat until the sugar store is depleted, so that the liver has no choice but to burn the fat. And how? WAIT! Don't eat right after you get up in the morning. Wait a few hours until the sugar is no longer sufficient for energy. Twelve hours after a meal, liver glycogen is no longer able to maintain the blood sugar levels needed to supply the body with energy. Therefore, the liver begins to tap into fat reserves for fuel. Say, you eat dinner at 6 p.m. If you eat breakfast at 10 a.m. the next day, you will have fasted for 16 hours and burned fat for 4 hours. The longer you fast, the more stored fat is used for energy. Click HERE for the incredible health benefits of intermittent fasting.

You can also speed up this process by doing these:

  • Walk after dinner for at least 30 minutes.

  • Stop eating sugar, refined carbs, high fructose corn syrup (that you find in all processed and prepackaged foods), and junk foods.

  • Eat protein-rich foods. Click HERE for a detailed explanation.

  • Lift weight. Strength training speed up your metabolism resulting in fat burning and increasing your

  • insulin sensitivity dramatically.

  • Be sure to avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats. Eat butter, coconut oil, tallow, and ghee.

  • Avoid stress. Stress is a fight-or-flight mode in which the body requires more energy within a short period of time to deal with an emergency situation. Therefore, the stress hormone cortisol raises the blood sugar, upon which the body reacts with insulin secretion.

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